Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Shelby Co. Chamber Weekly Broadcast April 29

English Version

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                       

April 28, 2009                                                                                              




INDIANAPOLIS---State health officials report test results from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have confirmed a case of North American Human Influenza A (H1N1) in northern Indiana.


“We advise Hoosiers to practice normal precautions to avoid influenza and other respiratory diseases, such as frequent hand washing and covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze,” said State Health Commissioner Judy Monroe M.D.  


Dr. Monroe reminds the public to follow basic precautionary measures to prevent the spread of a cold, influenza, or any infectious disease, including:

·         Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.   Cough or sneeze into your sleeve, rather than your hands, if a tissue is not available.

·         Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hands cleaners are also effective.

·         Try to avoid close contact with sick people.

·         If you get sick, stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.


The symptoms of North American human influenza A (H1N1) are similar to the symptoms of regular seasonal influenza and include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing.  Some people have also reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.


Dr. Monroe recommends individuals with mild symptoms of influenza should stay home and call their health care provider for advice.  If symptoms become severe, such as high fever, trouble breathing, or inability to keep down fluids, they should seek medical care.


Parents are also reminded they should not give aspirin to children with flu symptoms to alleviate fever, as it can put them at risk for Reye syndrome, a potentially fatal disease that causes numerous detrimental effects to many organs, especially the brain and liver.


  “This is a novel human virus, which means we do not have a vaccine to prevent it,” said Dr. Monroe.  “Individuals aged 65 and older or those with chronic diseases and immune deficiencies are at higher risk for severe complications from influenza, including pneumonia.  If these individuals have not received the pneumococcal vaccine, they should discuss with their physician getting the vaccine.”


The Indiana Department of Homeland Security announced the state's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) became active this morning.


Media will be able to contact a public information officer at the EOC at (317) 234-6713.

State officials have set up a toll-free hotline:  877-826-0011. 

Spanish Version


28 de Abril, 2009




INDIANAPOLIS- Oficiales de salud del estado reportan que resultados del Centro de Control y Prevención  de Enfermedades han confirmado un caso de influenza norteamericana humana A (H1N1) (gripe porcina) en la parte norte de Indiana.


“Aconsejamos a los residentes de Indiana a que practiquen precauciones normales para evitar la influenza (gripe) y otras enfermedades respiratorias, tales como el lavado frecuente de las manos y el taparse la nariz y boca con un pañuelo deshechable cuando se tose o estornuda” dice la Comisionada de Salud, Dra. Judy Monroe.


La Dra. Monroe recuerda al público seguir medidas básicas de precaución para evitar diseminar un catarro, la influenza o cualquier enfermedad infecciosa, incluyendo:


·                     Cubrirse la nariz y boca con un pañuelo deshechable cuando se tose o estornuda. Tire el pañuelo en la basura después de usarlo. Tosa y estornude en su manga, en vez de las manos, si no tiene un pañuelo deshechable.

·                     Lavese las manos frecuentemente con jabón y agua, especialmente después de toser o estornudar. Los limpiadores de manos a base de alcohol también son efectivos.

·                     Trate de evitar el contacto cercano con personas enfermas.

·                     Si Usted se enferma, no vaya a trabajar ni a la escuela y limite su contacto con otras personas para evitar infectarlos a ellos.


Los síntomas de la influenza norteamericana humana A (H1N1) son similares a los síntomas de la influenza (gripe) común, e incluyen fiebre, letargo, perdida de apetito y tos. Algunas personas también han reportado secreción de la nariz, dolor de garganta, nausea, vómitos y diarrea.


La Dr. Monroe recomienda que los individuos con síntomas leves de influenza se queden en casa y llamen a su medico para recibir indicaciones. Si los síntomas se vuelven severos, tales como fiebre alta, dificultad para respirar o para ingerir líquidos, deben buscar atención medica.


A los padres de familia se les recuerda que no deben darle aspirina a los niños con síntomas de influenza para bajarles la fiebre, porque puede ponerlos a riesgo de contraer el síndrome de Reye, una enfermedad potencialmente fatal que causa muchos efectos deletéreos a varios órganos, especialmente el cerebro y el hígado


“Este es un virus humano nuevo, lo cual significa que no tenemos una vacuna para prevenirlo”dijo la Dra. Monroe. “Las personas de 65 años  o mayores, o los que tienen enfermedades crónicas o deficiencias de la inmunidad están a mas alto riesgo de sufrir complicaciones severas secundarias a la influenza, incluyendo la neumonía. Si estos individuos no han recibido la vacuna neumococica para la neumonía, deben hablar con su medico acerca de esta vacuna”


El Indiana Department of Homeland Security anuncio que el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia (EOC) se activo esta mañana


Los medios de comunicación pueden contactar a un oficial de información publica en el EOC al (317) 234 6713.    877-826-0011


Check out the May Newsletter online

Indiana Chamber of Commerce

The third and final edition of the Indiana Chamber's 2009 Legislative Agenda is now available.
This document, as always, matches the Chamber's policy positions (developed by employees from member companies that serve on public policy committees and the board of directors) to specific legislation introduced in the House and Senate.


The Indiana Chamber represents nearly 5,000 member companies that employ over 800,000 Hoosier workers. We look forward to continuing to work with your organization on behalf of all Indiana businesses and their employees.



Shelbyville/Shelby County Animal Shelter
Chief, the Shelbyville/Shelby County Animal Shelter mascot, and the Shelby County Chamber of Commerce are asking for your help.  Because of the tough economic times, Chief’s four-legged friends in Shelby County are coming hungry.  How can you help Shelby County pet owners?  There generous businesses have provided a drop-off box for the Animal Shelter Food Drive:

Mickey’s T-Mart
Shelbyville/Shelby County Animal Shelter

All dog and cat supplies will be given to those families in need.  Thank you for your kindness and support. 

The Shelbyville/Shelby County Animal Shelter
705 Hale Road
Shelbyville , IN 46176

(317) 392-5127


Shelbyville- Shelby County Public Library

The Shelby County Genealogical society is hosting GenFest 2009 on June 12-14, 2009.  We are anticipating approximately 400 attendees. Several events are being held over this weekend.   In the next few weeks, members of the Society will be contacting your company regarding any donation your company would like to contribute to this event.  Any donation will be appreciated and acknowledged in brochures available during this event.

Enrollment for SUMMER READING will begin on Monday, June 1.

On June 20, acclaimed Hoosier photographer, JOHN BOWER, will be giving a free presentation on How to take better Photographs with any Camera. He will also be signing and selling copies of his books.


Free Genealogy Classes with Barb Huff in May. 


Date: May 7, 14, 21 & 18. 

Time: 12 – 2. 

Place: Shelbyville-Shelby County Public Library Genealogy & History House 

58 W. Hendricks St .


Call 398-8144 to sign up!

The Shelby County United Fund For You (SCUFFY), would like to invite you and representatives from your organization or company to attend this year’s End of Drive Dinner on Wednesday, May 6, 2009 at Maxim Events, 1415 East Michigan Road in Shelbyville. A cash bar will be available beginning at 6:30 p.m. and dinner will begin at 7:00 p.m. 2009 marks SCUFFY’s 55th Fund Drive, and you are a very important part of the SCUFFY organization’s success. This annual event is our opportunity to thank you for your support and volunteerism. We are anxious to share this years accomplishments and to announce the financial outcome of our 2009 Drive. Dinner is $15 per person and can be paid for in advance by stopping by the SCUFFY office, or you can pay at the door upon your arrival for the dinner. Please email Barbara at or phone the SCUFFY office with your RSVP at 398-6231 by Friday, May 1st, to let us know whether you will be able to attend the End of Drive Dinner and how many will be in your party. We hope you will join us for this special event, and we look forward to seeing you on May 6th.



Shelbyville Lions Club

The Shelbyville Lions Club will be hosting the Kelly Miller Circus on Saturday, May 2.  Two performances will be given at the Shelby County Fairgrounds at 2 and 5:30 pm.  This is a traditional “old style” circus.  Tickets are available at several local businesses and from Lions club members.  Buying tickets in advance rather than the day of the show helps the Lions with many of their eyesight and local projects. Grab the kids, the grand kids, or your neighbor’s kids and come on out for some fun filled excitement.



Grover Museum

28th Annual Quilt Show “Blue and White” open now through May 31st.  More than 70 quilted items on display.


Shelby County artist Ray Bateman solo exhibit open now through June 28th.  Art in many mediums including conte, ink, acrylic, oil, sculpture and carving.  Handmade canoe on display.


Bears of Blue River Festival
The 2009 Festival is our 30th Annual. We are doing everything we can to make it as special as we can, without costing too much, due to the economy. We have lowered our prices on space for Marketplace/ Flea Market, Food Booths, Meals and Parade Rovers. We are trying to make it possible for Marketplace/ Flea Market to stay in place for Sunday, also. This year, the Dinner Under The Stars will be on Friday evening, August 21 with a new band that has a lot of local following, called “Zanna Doo”. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Aug. 21-23, we will have Marketplace/ Flea Market and Merchant Sidewalk Sales. Saturday, Aug. 22, we will also have the 5K, 10K Walk & Runs, Meals, Food Vendors, Children’s Day, Medical Day and free evening entertainment, highlighted by bringing back Cooke & Belle. The first band has not been selected yet. Sunday, Aug. 23rd, we will have the Parade, followed by local entertainment. Throughout the Festival, we will have Kiddie Rides and Activities, as well as other Special Events. Our Queen Pageant will be at the Strand Theater this year on August 15, which we are excited about. We are going to ask that the contestant’s family and friends arrive early, because we expect a capacity crowd.


Saturday, August 15. 2009 – Queen Pageant – Strand Theater

Friday, August 21, 2009 – Marketplace/Flea Market, Merchant Sidewalk Sales, Meals, Food Vendors, Dinner Under The Stars with “Zanna Doo”

Saturday, August 22, 2009 – 5K & 10 K Runs & Walk, Marketplace/Flea Market, Merchant Sidewalk Sales, Meals, Food Vendors, Children’s Day, Medical Day, Cornhole

                                                        Tournament, Kiddie Rides, free entertainment: ???, “Cooke & Belle”

Sunday, August 23, 2009 – Marketplace/Flea Market, Merchant Sidewalk Sales, Meals, Food Vendors, Kiddie Rides, Parade Spectacular, free entertainment

Triton Central High School Tiger New Tech

Triton Central High School Tiger New Tech recently received a $77,500 appropriation from the Shelby County Council for New Tech Spanish and credit recovery. The funds will enable TC to by 50 computers as well as Aventa and Rosetta Stone software.  Thank you to the County Council for catching the vision of New Tech and helping us with this very important initiative.  If you want to learn more about New Tech at TC or would like to know how you can help, please contact Scott Kern at 835-3000 at your convenience.


Construction for the first phase of New Tech at TC is underway.  The inaugural classrooms will be complete in June with technology installed by the end of July.  A public hearing for phase II of the project will be help on April 29th at 7:00 PM in the TCHS multi-purpose room.


Shelbyville Central Schools
Are you looking to carbo-load with a pasta dinner the night before the mini-marathon?  Are you planning to spend the evening at the baseball field as the Golden Bears (freshman team) take on the Greensburg Pirates this Friday evening?  Or would you simply like to support your SHS FCA chapter?


Then, bring your friends and family and enjoy a pasta dinner together provided by the SHS FCA!  Tickets purchased at the door, no advanced tickets.  All proceeds to benefit FCA Summer Camps.


When:  Friday, May 1st from 6:00-8:00 PM

Where: SHS Cafeteria

Menu:  Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Breadsticks, Salad, Dessert and Drink

Cost:    $5.00 per person, Elementary-aged children and younger are free, Free-will donations accepted


Girls, Incorporated

Girl’s Health Summit

** Free Event**

Girls Incorporated

904 S. Miller Street


Saturday, May 16 

12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

For girls ages 10 and up

Parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to attend


Many workshops will involve nutrition, skin care, self defense, substance abuse and smoking, reproductive health, insurance, and healthy relationships.


Informational booths will also be set up addressing girls’ health issues and concerns.


Giveaways and prizes


Call Girls Inc. at 392-1190 for more information

Blue River Community Foundation

Shelby County Volunteer Fair

Thinking about volunteering but aren’t sure where to start?  Do you have special skills that would benefit some of our local nonprofits?  If you are not working right now (or if you know someone who is not), volunteering is a great way to prevent gaps in your resume and to network for future employment. 


Find out more about volunteer opportunities in Shelby County by attending the Shelby County Volunteer Fair on Thursday, May 21, 2005 at the Girls Inc. gym ( 904 S. Miller St .).  Choose a time that is convenient for you either from 9:00 a.m. to noon, or from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., and stop by to talk to representatives from several of Shelby County ’s local nonprofits.  (You can still attend the Community Roundtable meeting at the Blue River Career Center that day from noon to 1:15 p.m.!)  Participating nonprofits include: 


Shelby County Chamber of Commerce

Family Services & Prevention Programs

Shelbyville-Shelby County Public Library

Shelby Senior Services

Shelby Community Health Center

Shelby Arts Guild/The Gallery

Sanctuary of Shelbyville

Cancer Association of Shelby County

Court & Child Advocacy Group

Boys Club

Shelbyville Parks Department

Blue River Career Center

Shelby County Reads



Strand Theatre

Major Hospital

Turning Point

Grover Museum

Purdue Extension

Animal Outreach

Flat Rock YMCA

Shelby County Players

Drug Free Coalition

Shelby County Dog Owners Group

Shelby County Genealogical Society

Gibault Children’s Services

Foreign Links Around the Globe (FLAG)

Shelbyville Head Start


A Collaboration of the Blue River Community Foundation, SCUFFY, Shelby County

Drug Free Coalition, Shelbyville Central Schools and Major Hospital working to mobilize Shelby County to reach higher for positive, sustainable change through the Indiana Association of United Ways

4community2 grant program



Are you interested in Shelby County ’s future?


Would you like to see Shelby County become a stronger and more vibrant community?


Would you like to help Shelby County make the most of its resources and achieve its highest potential? 


If so, then please join us as we work together in new ways to make Shelby County the community where people learn, live and invest! 


Join a process that allows our community as a whole to develop goals and aspirations for our future. 


Become a part of a process that values neutrality and accountability, and focuses on the community’s desired aspiration. 


The Community Aspiration Action Teams are ready to begin making the work plans that will help our community move toward the desired outcomes in each of their focus areas.  These work plans will include specific tasks and timelines.   We are making exciting progress in this process, and hope that you will join us in this important work!  The May meeting schedule is as follows: 


May 7, 2009     8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.      Action Team 3

                                                       (Adult Education & Workplace Success)

                                    11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.    Action Team 4

                                                       (Community Development)

                                    3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.      Action Team 1

                                                       (Early Childhood Development)

                                    6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.      Action Team 2

                                                   (Youth Development)


If you would like to attend or have any questions, please contact:

 Susan Furgeson at 317.392.7955 or or


Arthur Spriggs at 317-398-6231 or or


Tony Collier at 398-1332 or


 **meetings will be held at the Blue River Community Foundation, 54 W. Broadway *

Shelby Community Health Center

The Shelby Community Health Center has signed up with a site to receive donations every time someone uses this search engine. As I am sure you could guess, our services as a free health clinic for the uninsured are in higher demand now than ever before. Many families are turning to us for their medical care after layoffs and downsizing. Any assistance would be much appreciated so we can continue to take care of some of the county’s most vulnerable.

When you search the web, instead of using Google or Yahoo – type in (The results should be virtually identical to those with Yahoo.)

List the Shelby Community Health Center under ‘who do you Goodsearch for’ and verify. Then type the item you are searching for in the query box.

It is really simple, and we’ve earned .07 cents just through my experimenting! To find out more, and try it for yourself, go to

Hospice of Shelby County
The 6th annual St. Vincent de Paul Charity tea will be May2nd, Saturday at 1:30PM.  This year's charity is Hospice of Shelby County . Tickets are available at Three Sisters Book Store and Jones Monument . Tickets are $15.00. 

First Bank of Shelbyville
15 year mortgage 4.375% with .50% origination

30 year mortgage 4.875% with .50% origination


CD rates

9 month 2.23 rate 2.25 APY

35 month 2.93 rate 3.00 APY

Open a checking account with the CD and we will raise the rate by .25%



Mathies Landscaping, Inc.

Beautiful Hanging Baskets, Tropical Plants, Annuals, Perennials, Shrubs and Trees



Here are some Green Tips from Susie:

  • Eliminate lawn weeds by using Fertilome Weed and Feed Fertilizer.  Get them before they go to seed!!  Setting your mower to a higher cut during the spring months will help the grass grow in fuller and choke out weeds.
  • Fertilize your trees and shrubs with Fertilome Tree and Shrub Food.      
  • Use an *All-Purpose Garden Fertilizer to feed roses, deciduous shrubs and perennials.
  • Monitor your gardens and plants throughout your yard.  Look for pests, abnormal growths or something that does not look right.  Bring a sample in to us (in a baggie) and we can help you address the situation before the problem multiplies or kills your plants.
  • Be sure to monitor the temperature… if frost or cold weather is in the forecast, protect your tender plants with mulch, light cloth or some type of overnight protection.  Be sure to remove the protection as soon as the danger is over or your plants will bake in the sun.

Check out our pots, ceramics, bird baths, fountains, statues & many other garden accents. 


Come see us soon!                                                      Mathies Landscaping Inc.

Monday – Friday   8:00am – 5:00pm                             521 E. Hendricks Street

Saturdays              8:00am – Noon                                    (317)  398-9871



Kathy Self & Associates, Inc.

OFFICE - 317-392-4669       FAX - 317-392-4732

24 Hour Rental Line  317-642-0064  


Current Rentals Available in the Shelbyville area.


Properties change frequently.


2-3  Bedrooms from $550 - $900 per month


Pictures available online at

Stop by our office during regular business hours or for after hours pick up, applications are available in our drop box next to the door or can be obtained from the rental section of our web site.



Motion Picture Heritage Corporation

A group of Shelbyville  movie enthusiasts have announced the creation of  a not for profit company “MOTION PICTURE HERITAGE CORPORATION” dedicated to the restoration and operation of classic movie venues.  Their first acquisition is our very own Skyline Drive-In. The company was created as a way to sustain classic film going and the drive-in movie experiences for today’s movie going public.


"The Skyline Drive-In is about so much more than just the movie that we wanted to educate people about what they are missing out on," Joe Gaudin, local video producer and a founding member of Motion Picture Heritage  According to Gaudin, the fear that the Skyline would cease operation, prompted the group to begin coming together and begin to rebuild the Skyline to its former grandeur. "We just want everyone in Shelbyville and the surrounding counties to know that the Skyline is alive and kicking. It is a whole family experience without any hassles or need for a babysitter.  In a lot of ways the Skyline to me was what growing up in Shelbyville was all about."


To that end, The Skyline is being re-fitted to bring back the 1950’s Drive-In experience. Uniformed concession workers, retro re-fitting of the drive in and Rock and Roll are the order to the day. “We want to give families a classic drive-in experience, we want going to movies fun again” says Gaudin.


"We've been really amazed that Shelbyville as a whole cares passionately about this Drive-In" says Angie Caudhill, the volunteer manager of The Skyline. "So many people have chipped in to bring this dream to reality; starting with Dick Delaney, Jim DeWitt and Patti DeWitt we owe them such a debt of thanks."


The Skyline opens up on May 8th, and a summer of fun is planned culminating with The B Movie Celebration being held in Shelbyville September 25th-27th.


 The Skyline is looking for volunteers and community sponsors/partners to help the re-launch of the Old/New Skyline Drive-In.


Please contact if interested.

Office*KING, a distribution partner of Muncie Office Supply, delivers to Shelbyville for free! Looking for a printer cartridge, paper, or a stapler? Call Office*KING at 800-432-2830 or visit us on the web at Have a furniture project that you need quoted? Call us! We offer many cost effective options at Office*KING, from Hon and other well known suppliers. Looking to get the best use of the space you have? We have an Interior designer on our staff! Using GIZA software we can even give you a layout design before you buy! We also have experienced furniture installers that will professionally setup the furniture for you. Now that's value! Full color business cards, brochures or custom self-inking stamps, Office*KING does those too! Looking for custom forms, call Office*KING to get a quote for your next form need! Have a copier, typewriter, fax, or other machine that needs repaired? Give us a call 800-432-2830 and we'll get you taken care of!

Duke Energy
Duke Energy Sustainability Report and Summary Annual Report


I am pleased to announce that we’ve just released Duke Energy's 2008/2009 Sustainability Report <

A0MzU4S0&mt=1&rt=0>  and 2008 Summary Annual Report <

A0MzU4S0&mt=1&rt=0> . Each report shares a common theme, “Redefining Our Boundaries,” and captures our efforts to fundamentally rethink our business, explore new technologies, and help solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. Highlights include:


*           Progress on our sustainability plan and meeting environmental goals

*           Updates on our plans and activities to reduce our carbon footprint

*           Our perspective on the increasingly important connection between energy and water

*           Prospects for smart grid technologies and making energy efficiency the “fifth fuel”


I invite you to learn more about Duke Energy's commitment to sustainability by reviewing our 2008/2009 Sustainability Report <

A0MzU4S0&mt=1&rt=0>  and our 2008 Summary Annual Report <

A0MzU4S0&mt=1&rt=0> . Duke Energy is committed to helping your business and the communities we serve grow by supporting local economic development, nonprofit organizations and civic efforts. We look forward to working with you in the future and exploring new ways to bring value to our Indiana communities.


Best regards,


Nisa Hensley




Shelbyville! Did you know you can now catch WSVX at 96.5 on the FM dial?




Catch daily track reports from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway starting May 6th right here on WSVX.


Local News, Weather & Sports along with the latest happenings in Shelby County . You’ll hear it here first!


Catch CHAMBER CHAT every Friday at 9:00a. Julie Metz, Executive Director of the Chamber hosts the show with Johnny McCrory. Each Friday they have a special guest and talk about upcoming events.


Keep up with our changing world with TECHNOLOGY TODAY, with Bob Carmony  & Johnny McCrory, Wednesday mornings at 9.


Join Candace Miller, Director of the Grover Museum the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays each month at 9:00a for HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY , an entertaining & informative show about Shelby County 's history.


Tyler Hankins & Chase Yanzer take over WSVX every Saturday morning when they host SATURDAY MORNING SHAKE-UP. Enjoy the world as seen by our high school aged staff.



The Fiddlers Three

Greetings from The Fiddlers Three,

The specials for Friday & Saturday are: 4 oz Filet Mignon & Grilled Bacon Wrapped Shrimp Skewer served with Baked Potato and Soup or Salad $19.95 OR Parmesan Crusted Fresh Halibut with Gratin Potatoes, Fresh Vegetables and Soup or Salad $21.95  Weekend Appetizer Special: Shrimp Cocktail $4.95


Weeknight Specials Tues. - Thurs.: Fresh Fried Perch with Shore Potatoes and Soup or Salad  $14.95


Derby Pie is back....just in time for horse racing season!


Sunday April 26th - Fried Chicken, Parmesan Cod, Hand-carved Steamship Round of Beef, and Taco Bar 


** We are accepting reservations for the Mother's Day Buffet.


**We will not be serving the Sunday Buffet on Sunday May 24th, July 5th, and Sept. 6th to observe the Holiday weekends with family.

Upcoming Events:

**Join us Saturday June 20th for a summer evening of fun with The Headliner Band.  $50.00 per couple gets you in, includes a summer dinner buffet of Fried Chicken, Pulled Pork BBQ, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Fresh Fruit, etc. Sales tax and gratuity are also included.  This is casual! If you were here Valentine's Day, you know the Headline Band is a great Dance Band.

Our Gift Certificates make great gifts. They can be redeemed at The Fiddlers Three and the Sunday buffet at Maxim Events.

Did you know that we have sandwiches available on our menu? We have: Black Angus Steakburgers ($8.95), Breaded Catfish Filets ($7.95), and Large Hand-breaded Pork Tenderloins ($8.95). All of our sandwiches are served with French Fries and Slaw. We also have a Fried Chicken Dinner (half a chicken) served with a Baked Potato and Soup or Salad for $10.95.

The Fiddlers Three delivers Corporate box lunches to your site Tuesdays - Fridays from 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM. Minimum order required.

Did you know that Maxim Events is set up for corporate meetings and seminars with drop down screens and projectors, Wi-Fi connection, floor plugs, and sound-proof dividing walls? With Maxim Events' beautiful lit glass dance floor and hand-crafted bar, it is perfect for class reunions and wedding receptions.

Hope to see you soon,
Jay and Kathy
317-392-4371 for reservations or by e-mail



Annie’s Café

Dine In or Carry Out

Monday - Saturday

6am - 2pm



If you need a place to have a meeting! Call us to schedule your breakfast or lunch meeting. You can order from the menu or visit our web site @


Breakfast Buffet

Every Day  6-10:00am


Daily Lunch Specials  


Ham & Beans w/ Cornbread & Fried Potatoes

Sausage & Kraut

Fried Chicken Buffet



Beef Manhatton, Meatloaf

Taco, Taco Salad Buffet



Lasagna with Garlic bread & Salad Bar

Spaghetti Buffet 



Liver & Onions, Chicken & Noodles

Baked Pork Loin with Gravy Buffet



Salmon Pattie w/ 2 sides or

Seafood Gumbo w/ rice & cornbread 

Walleye, Fries & Slaw Buffet 


SATURDAY   BREAKFAST BUFFET BISCUITS & GRAVY, SCRAMBLED EGGS, BACON $4.95 Add Fried Potatoes or Pancakes for Just $1..00 more


 Join us for Breakfast or Lunch 

 Annie's Cafe and Staff 


Kopper Kettle 
Who:  Gospel singer Brian Martin
What:   Live gospel singing in the garden
When:  Friday, May 15 
Where:  Kopper Kettle Inn Restaurant, Morristown
Cost:  $20 per person, no coupons honored, includes dinner and show.            
Reservations required. 
Call 765-763-6767.


 Brian Martin, a Shelby County native, has been involved in ministry work most of his life.  After graduating from Olivett Nazarene University in 1987, he was a Senior Pastor for 4 1/2 years and a Music and Youth Pastor for 5 1/2 years in Illinois , Idaho and Minnesota .


He has been a Worship Leader, an instrumentalist and vocalist with the Shelbyville Community Church Worship Team for 12 years, where he currently serves as an Ordained Elder.


Martin's style of gospel includes a variety of both contemporary and old-time favorite hymns.  He invites his audiences to sing along with the old, familiar hymns.


Martin says his mission is "to get up every morning and find ways to see God's handiwork in my life and in other people's lives."


Martin will be in concert performing a Night of Worship at the Kettle on Friday, May 15, 2009.


Call today for reservations.



Blue River Bowl

Rushed for Lunch...due to traffic delays>>>  ?


Try making the EASY trip to Noble Romans & Tuscanos @ Blue River Bowl on South Miller Street (Just North of SHS)!!!


Save time and money!!!  With our $5.99 VALUE MEAL!!!  Phone it in 317-392-9222 & we will have it prepared for you when you arrive.


DINE-IN or Carry out...




Please let it be known to all employees... Blue River Bowl’s Noble Romans and Tuscanos Subs are OPEN for LUNCH &  DINNER.


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